there is alot of stuff going on in this file. I had to delete alot of stuff to get the file size down to upload. the worksheet labeled General Summary is the sheet you need to go to. Hitting the Insert Pay Items button will bring up Userform2 it is running the InsertPayItems() sub in the standard module labeled InsertPayItems. which is the userform im asking about. there are two text boxes that run a change event. one has a label next to it saying search item number: (textbox named txtItemCode) and the other has a label saying Search Description (textbox named txtDesc)
as you type in any of these two textboxes it will run the change event and filter the data in the listbox.
in the change event i need to distroy the tooltips and then remake them due to the list box changing.
I think it might be a bug or something because after typing in the textbox and it runs through the code i can hit the backspace button and it will delete what i had type, i just cant type anything.
any help would be awesome i might just have to remove the tooltips because it was working great before i added that.