When checking a box (column B) I would like the date the box was checked to appear in the date completed column (Column J)
You just had wrong column assigned.
Sub Process_CheckBox()
Dim cBox As CheckBox
Dim LRow As Integer
Dim LRange As String
LName = Application.Caller
Set cBox = ActiveSheet.CheckBoxes(LName)
'Find row that checkbox resides in
LRow = cBox.TopLeftCell.Row
LRange = "J" & CStr(LRow)
'Change date in column B, if checkbox is checked
If cBox.Value > 0 Then
ActiveSheet.Range(LRange).Value = Date
'Clear date in column B, if checkbox is unchecked
ActiveSheet.Range(LRange).Value = Null
End If
End Sub
The ability to move checked rows to another tab
Just the data, correct?
A formula to accurately calculate the "Percent Complete"
Working on this one.