Hey Guys i have a sheet where im trying to have rows Hide or Un-hide off of a Yes/No.
Initially i had the value be a manual input from a validation list (Yes/No) and the script worked fine:
I had to split the table onto two separate worksheets so i could lock one through scripting. Now the value is being placed by a formula:If Range("D10").Value = "Yes" Then
Rows("153:191").EntireRow.Hidden = False
ElseIf Range("D10").Value = "No " Then
Rows("153:191").EntireRow.Hidden = True
End If
=IF('HRC Inputs'!D10:E10="","",IF('HRC Inputs'!D10:E10="Yes","Yes","No"))
How can i make the scripting still trigger off of the value in the cell if it is placed there by a formula and not manually inputted?
Thank you!