You might look at the following code and see if you agree with the logic behind it.
Step through this code (using the attached file in your post#3), note what it does and what result it gives.
Although both of your "11101" may look the same, according to VBA they are not the same. I haven't looked specifically at why they are different because you didn't request that.
Your request was, as I understand, to use VBA to remove duplicates.
VBA doesn't recognize your "duplicates", perhaps explaining the fruitless "couple of hours" as described in your opening post.
It may be some of your "numbers" contain non-printing characters such as Chr(28), Chr(31), Chr(141), Chr(157) etc. in which case they may well look the same but are not. Maybe other reasons. I know nothing about how your data were generated. But you specifically asked about duplicates.