Hy guys.. as the title says I am trying to build a macro that will help me copy the rows from one sheet in which there are values equal to the active cell and then insert those rows under the active cells row.
So far i got
Sub Find()
Dim Rng As Range
Dim val As Integer

    With Sheets("AB").Range("B:B").Find(ActiveCell.Value)
       'finds how many rows are with active cells value

        val = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Sheets("AB").Range("B:B"), ActiveCell.Value)

        'should get the range of those rows
        Set Rng = Sheets("AB").Rows("5:10")
        'inserts the copies rows
        ActiveCell.Offset(val).Insert Shift:=xlDown
    End With

End Sub
Any help will be much appreciated.