Hey guys.

I have a file that varies its range and I have this formula that I want her to run when the file is prepared for it.

With Sheet2.Cells(i + 1, 4)
        .Formula = =IF(ISNA(VLOOKUP('Summary'!$A3,'Pivot Table'!$A$3:$C$50,2,FALSE)),0,(VLOOKUP('Summary'!$A3,'Pivot Table'!$A$3:$C$50,2,FALSE)))
    End With
If I do like this the value from A3 its going to be the same for all the table.

If I remove the $ behind the A3 the same value goes down again. I just would like to say instead of A3 Sheet2.Cells(i + 1, 1) and everything would be OK, but when I do that excel does't recognize it.

can u help me?
