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Create new Workbook based on my sheet8 from original workbook as .xls if statement (2007)

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  1. #1
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    Create new Workbook based on my sheet8 from original workbook as .xls if statement (2007)

    Good morning,
    I have to come up with three processes for this code. One is in my Worksheet and the other two I will add in my Module.
    I need to create a new excel (.xls) workbook based on one of my “hidden” sheet from my original workbook based on my active.cell, as name, including another text, and open this workbook so that my user can insert information then saves it. (And not save as)

    I have the code to search my designated folder for if the file already exists, if it exist then open that file, if it doesn’t:

    - Create a new excel (.xls) workbook in my path based on my activecell and other text info;
    - Create the workbook with only one sheet;
    - Copy sheet(8) from my original workbook;
    - Paste the information on sheet(1) from the new workbook;
    - Leave both workbooks open.

    I have the current procedure but I am having trouble with the above procedures. I would need help creating a new workbook in my file path under my string names.

    Dim strRootPath As String
    Dim strUser As String, strReqNo As String, strPath As String, strFile As String
    Sub findfolder()
        strRootPath = "C:\"
        strUser = "Test_"
        strReqNo = Range("A" & ActiveCell.row)
        If strReqNo Like "*/[A-Z]" Then strReqNo = left(strReqNo, Len(strReqNo) - 2)
        strPath = strRootPath & strUser & strReqNo & ".xls"
        strFile = strUser & strReqNo
        If Dir(strPath) <> "" Then
            Workbooks.Open strPath
            MsgBox strFile & " Not Found " <----Replace code here
            'Workbooks.Add (1)
        End If
    End Sub
    I also have this proceedure in my sheet(1)

    Dim casms as long
        ElseIf Cells(ActiveCell.row, "E") >= 1000000 Then
            casms = MsgBox("Is this file in the CASMS folder?", vbYesNo)
            If casms = vbYes Then
            Application.EnableEvents = True
                Exit Sub
                Call findfolder
            Unload Me
            End If
            Application.EnableEvents = True
            Exit Sub
    Any idea how I would add all of this together?
    Last edited by Excelnoub; 07-17-2014 at 11:58 AM.
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  2. #2
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    Re: Create new Workbook based on my sheet8 from original workbook as .xls if statement (20

    Got up to here for now,

        If Dir(strPath) <> "" Then
            Workbooks.Open strPath
            Workbooks.Add(1).SaveAs Filename:=strRootPath & strFile & ".xls"
        End If

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