
I am writing macro, I have stopped.

I have a data and I filtered some data specific, then I select the data with visible cells only, but it is selecting the headers, I would like not include headers.

As this macro will be run often, the next visible row after the header can be 5 or can be 96, how I can do that? Some help much appreciated

See my example so far, but this selection is including my header which is Row 1, maybe is another way. I don't want to include the header.

ActiveSheet.Range("A:N").AutoFilter Field:=14, Criteria1:=Array("LOE", "LOE PSNME", "Mbrs", "Mbrs PSNME"), Operator:=xlFilterValues


Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).Select


Application.Run "modPaste.Copy"

Thank you

Eliana M