Hi everybody new to using macro's don't know if this is possible or where to start.
I want to build a macro to evaluate the Boolean state of fourteen Boolean variables.
The combinations mathematically is 2*2*2*2*2*2*2*2*2*2*2*2*2*2 = 16384 combinations
How ever I then want to produce bit patterns for the above combinations only where a valid bit pattern is.
The variables are broken into relational pairs, there fore 7 pairs.
For simplicity in explaining the valid patterns I will only use two of the variables
variable 1 variable7
true true ok
true false ok
false false ok
false true not valid
The bit pattern result would only display valid patterns of the summed variable pairs in the following order
(variable1 , variable2 , variable3 , variable4 , variable5 , variable6 , variable7 , variable8 , variable9 , variable10 , variable11 , variable12 , variable13 , variable14)
Any help or advice on how to do this would be greatly appreciated.
I looked at some of the routines on other posts but cannot find a routine that purely produces combinations for 14 Boolean variables