responding to the title of your thread, here's a code for producing non-repeating random groups of 10
put it in a code module and run it on a blank worksheet to see what it does
perhaps you can adapt it to the desired structure of your workbook
Sub maslik()
Const n As Long = 10
Const q As Long = 15 'for randbetween 1 and q
Const c = 8 'desired number of columns
Dim b() As Boolean
Dim j As Long, s As Long, x As Long
For j = 1 To c
ReDim b(q)
s = 0
x = Application.RandBetween(1, q)
If Not b(x) Then
s = s + 1
Cells(s, j) = x
b(x) = True
End If
Loop Until s = n
Next j
End Sub