Thanks for your responses. I ran the code suggested by stnkynts and got no matches, so I assume that if i did have an errant space before or after the name that it would have showed that. However, just to be sure I also checked manually for extra spaces. All good on that count.

I tried the modification suggested by 6StringJazzer but ended up with the same Run-time error. My thinking then was to break that line down to see where the error is occuring. Modified as follows:

For RowCt = 2 To RowTot
        If (Sheets("Raw").Cells(RowCt, 7).Value < 0 And Sheets("Raw").Cells(RowCt, 5).Value > 0 And _
            Sheets("Raw").Cells(RowCt, 4).Value > 0) Then
                Range("A" & RowCt & ":" & "K" & RowCt).Select
        Range("A" & Sheets(strFin(Z)).Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0).Select
    End If
Next RowCt
Run-time error occurred on red line. I also tried: Dim sheetName as String and then sheetName = strFin(Z) thinking that maybe that would push it through, but alas same result.

I honestly cannot see what is wrong with that part. Still stumped.