I'm new to the forum and macros so I'm hoping someone can help me out with a relatively simple macro.
I'm trying to create a macro that will "push" selected data from a "source form" into a master inventory file. I do not want to simply copy and paste, but have the new line in the inventory file link to the cells in the source form so that any changes or updates in the source form will be reflected in the master. Here are the specific steps I'm trying to accomplish
Using the source form template:
User will save form as unique identifier (ie. Control Sheet 12345), forms are not saved in a centralized location.
Complete the form accordingly.
Run macro which opens the master and;
1)creates a new line at the top of the inventory list (I want it at the top because I will have multiple Pivot tables pointing to this data and placing at the top automatically updates the pivot table range)
2)"points" a particular cell in the inventory to a particular cell in the source form (there are many cells to direct to, so if I know how to do this once properly, I can replicate)
3)save and close the master.
Once I get get this part down, there is one safegard I'll need to accomplish which is when the macro is run, it checks the master to see if there is a line for that particular item, so as to not create another line for an item that already exists.
I've been able to accomplish the above by simply using the record macro function and walk through the steps manually, however the problem is that the macro records the name of the source file template when creating the links, so when I rename the template and try and create a new record it doesn't bring in the new data (obviously).
I've tried modifying the macro that I recorded using ThisWorkbook (the macro is stored in the source doc), but am not able to get the proper syntax for it to work.
Any help or suggestions are welcome.