Ok, let me try and explain this. (Will upload sample)
I will have 2 columns. In column B, will be a list of invoice numbers. Now each one starts with the "job number" (Ex. 51APGC01) then a dash and unique number per invoice. (Ex. 51APGC01-01)
In column A, will be a list of Purchase Order numbers sent by the customer so we can bill. Now, sometimes we get one PO for multiple invoices, (Ex. 03, 05, 06, 07.....)
What I am looking to do, is when I get these PO's, I enter them in and then I print a report for our billing Dept. The way the output line (cell) will read, is Job Number, then each unique number: (51APGC01-03, 05, 06, 07)
There are multiple jobs and each one has it's own report, so the job number will be dynamic and defined else where in the workbook. I can define that. It's just getting the numbers after the "-" and putting them in only.
That make sense? Thanks!!!