a few days ago, I requested the following in the Commercial Services section:

I would like to embed vlc player in my excel workbook.
In vlc player the spacebar is used to pause and play the video content. I would like the spacebar to only be used for this purpose even within Excel. Even if I click in a cell the spacebar should not do its normal thing.
It should only pause and play the vlc video regardless of what is happening on the excel workbook.

I also would like to have a macro button that when clicked, records the time elapsed on the vlc player. So if the video is 19 seconds in, and the button is clicked, I would like lets say in cell H1, the value “0:19” to be recorded.

Im happy to answer any questions you may have.

Thank you
nobody has replied yet and so im beginning to think that its just not possible to do in excel.
so maybe its best to do it with Visual Basic.

Does anyone think they can do this with Visual Basic?
is there a forum like this for Visual Basic?
can i ask this question here in excelforum?

Im happy to pay for your service if someone can do it for me.
