Hi, I really hope someone can help me out this time round. 3rd time posting and hoping someone out there can solve my problem.

Currently, Im running a button macro. When this button is clicked, the table from "315 Employee Data" will copy the names from column C to "315" sheet B12 onwards.

Now, what i want is when I update the employee data on "315 employee data" sheet, I want "315" sheet to automatically match the names from "315 employee data", delete and add names when I add or remove employees from the column the next time i click on that button again.

After the above is achieved, when i add new employees,run the macro and it displays the updated list of names, I want "315" sheet column A to do automatic numbering.

I have attached the file for your reference.samplesample.xlsm

Any kind soul out there that can help me fix this?!?!?!! Dying here. Please help..
