Hi, Armitage2k,
you are setting your objects to the ActiveSheet not to the addressed one.
Set IndirectSheet = Sheets(ActiveSheet.Range("B1").Value)
And I would set the Range for the starting cell in one trake instead of having to set it up again from a column and a row:
Set IndirectRow = IndirectSheet.Cells(ActiveSheet.Range("D2").Value, ActiveSheet.Range("D1").Value)
Maybe just try
Sub copyscore()
With ActiveSheet
Sheets(.Range("B1").Value).Cells(.Range("D2").Value, .Range("D1").Value).Resize(98, 1).Value = .Range("I4:I101").Value
End With
End Sub
for copying over just values or
Sub copyscore()
With ActiveSheet
.Range("I4:I101").Copy Sheets(.Range("B1").Value).Cells(.Range("D2").Value, .Range("D1").Value)
End With
End Sub