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Multiple Worksheet Change events??? "macro" needed to hide/unhide rows multiple instances

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    Multiple Worksheet Change events??? "macro" needed to hide/unhide rows multiple instances

    Is it possible to program multiple Worksheet Change Events into the same workbook? I have a lengthy set of tasks, each with 2-4 Options. I need to use list boxes (preferably) to select Options used to complete Tasks. Selecting a unique Option for each Task will hide and unhide corresponding bundles of rows in the next sheet titled "Tasks". Please take a look at the attached example. Aks2014 kindly provided me the Worksheet Change code that works for the list box in cell J18. However, I need to do this same function for about 50 tasks, some with differing number of Options, but many with the same number of Options (although each Option and its bundles of rows would be unique to the individual Tasks they reference.) How would I program it so that Sheet1 cell J20 would likewise hide or unhide its corresponding rows in the "Tasks" sheet?

    Note: to expedite your effort I've added the equivalent (partial) coding for this J20 list box in cell A133 in the "Tasks" sheet. Also note that I am ok to use individual macros for each Task and/or Option if that is easier than Worksheet Change Events.

    Thanks for your help. I am so close to getting this figured out but I need more technical expertise....

    The Needy Neophyte
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