The Macro gives a progress bar in the status bar it works except that for:

For i = 1
the status bar says "Starting...." there is 1 filed square (as it should be) but it executes the "call Sub1"

for i = 2
the status bar update and says "Processing Sub1...." and there are 2 filed squares (as there should be now) but it executes the "call Sub2"

for i = 3
the status bar update and says "Processing Sub2...." and there are 3 filed squares (as there should be now) but it executes the "call Sub3"

I am not understanding how "StatusBarProgressMeter" works or is something wrong with my code writing


Sub StatusBarProgressMeter()
Dim i As Integer
Dim sMessage As String
  For i = 1 To 5
    If i = 1 Then
      sMessage = "Starting...."

     ElseIf i = 2 Then
      sMessage = "Processing Sub1..."
       Call Sub1
    ElseIf i = 3 Then
       sMessage = "Processing Sub2...."
        Call Sub2
    ElseIf i = 4 Then
      sMessage = "Processing Sub3..."
       Call Sub3
    ElseIf i = 5 Then
      sMessage = "Finishing...."
      sMessage = ""
    End If
   Call LjmStatusBarProgressMeter(i, 5, sMessage)
    Application.Wait Now + TimeValue("00:00:01")
  Next i
  Application.DisplayStatusBar = False

End Sub

Sub LjmStatusBarProgressMeter(iValue As Integer, iValueMax As Integer, sMessage As String)
'This displays a progress bar on the 'Status' Bar
Dim lWord As Long
' make StatusBar visible
Application.DisplayStatusBar = True
  lWord = 9609     'Filled in big squares
  lWord = &H22A1   'Empty little squares
  lWord = &H2610   'Empty big squares
'Output the Status Bar
Application.StatusBar = String(iValue, ChrW(9609)) & String(iValueMax - iValue, ChrW(lWord)) & "  " & sMessage
'Application.StatusBar = String(iValue, ChrW(9609)) & "  " & sMessage
End Sub