Hi, Good morning,
If it is possible, I'm looking to do a code that will do the following steps :
-Open a Workbook (data)
-Search for the year 2013 in all the cells
-Go two rows above it and two columns to the left and select the range to the lowest row and last column
-Paste value in my other workbook
-Repeat (loop) for all the worksheets of the data workbook
I need your ideas concerning the two steps in bold. I know you can do the following concerning the value "2013" :
Dim rg as Range
For each rg in Worksheet("sheet1")
If rg.value = "2013" Then rg.Offset(-2,-2)
However, I have no idea how to select and copy the whole area. The thing is that it is not a defined area and it can moved through time and change except for the years.
Thank you