Hi Expert,

I have a vb script that call/open an SSRS link from IE9. Right now my script displayed/open only 1 page.
May I ask your help to enhance this script.

1. I wanted when the first page (1) Open then after 5 mins. the frist page(1) will be close then the second page will be show/open.
basically for both pages the interval time to open/run is 5 mins.

2. I possible to fit into the screen the display using script.

The main objective is automate display the result of SSRS in an LCD monitor that can be viewed by workers.
The can see the data real time and they have to make a decision if there's an immidiate needs to work for the production output.

Or Do you have any idea? THank you in advance.

Dim ie, objshl, wnd, shl

Set shl = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
On Error Resume Next
For Each wnd In shl.Windows
    If InStr(1, wnd.Fullname, "iexplore.exe", vbTextCompare) > 0 Then
        Set ie = wnd
     End If

Set ie = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
ie.Navigate "https://www.yahoo.com/"  -- This is on a sample page..Origal page will be an SSRS report link.
Do While ie.Busy

ie.Visible = True
ie.FullScreen = True

CreateObject("WScript.Shell").AppActivate ie.Name
Set ie = Nothing