New poster here, moderate VBA user. Begging for some help with a project that has had me stumped for the last 48 hours.
What I am attempting to do:
When closing a Workbook (named "CIR") I would like the data on the "DATA" tab to be cut and then pasted to another Workbook ("CIR Master") in the first blank row. Code posted below goes well until the last line.
The Issue:
Rather than pasting to the target Workbook ("CIR Master"), the code below pastes to the source workbook. I have tried many different ways of pasting, but no joy.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
A second question...any ideas on what code could be used to see if the target Workbook is open? (ie, whether it would open as "read-only".)
'Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean) Dim wbTarget As Workbook Dim wbThis As Workbook 'Define Variables Set wbThis = ActiveWorkbook 'Go to "DATA" Sheets("DATA").Select 'Exit if "A2" is BLANK Range("A2").Select If IsEmpty(ActiveCell.Value) Then Exit Sub End If 'Open CIR Master List Set wbTarget = Workbooks.Open("K:\CIR Master List.xlsm") 'Clear Memory Application.CutCopyMode = False 'Return to Source wbThis.Activate 'Cut Rows Range("A62236").Select Selection.End(xlUp).Select intLastRow = ActiveCell.Row Range("$A$2:$S$" & intLastRow).Cut 'Back to Target Workbook wbTarget.Activate 'Find Next Empty Cell Range("A62236").Select Selection.End(xlUp).Select ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select '...and it FAILS here ActiveSheet.Paste