Hello, so I've never written a custom function before and I'm doing something that should be quite simple.
I'm taking the VLOOKUP function, and creating a new function that does the *same* exact thing, except it simplifies the typing process. Take a look.
The goal is just to have a shorter function name, and to not have to type the quotation marks with the asterisks, I only won't need to type FALSE at the end of it every time. Thinking on it now I may even try to default the range as well.
Either way, it doesn't seem to like my commas but I'm not sure why. the VLOOKUP function is working perfectly fine in my excel sheet when typed like this (in the cell that is): "=VLOOKUP("*itemname*",A1:D26,4,FALSE)" so I'm not sure why that isn't translating nicely to the function.