First thank you in advance for your generosity in sharing your insight and collective wisdom. as a relative newbie these forums have been a godsend!
here is my project:
I created a workbook to to document service provision across several categories. this work book will be delivered to multiple contractors, who will use it to document monthly service delivery. Data will be stored cumulatively in the workbook over the course of the fiscal year. Each Service delivery category has a command button through which a multipage userform is used to collect necessary data. Upon completing the user form the data is submitted and transferred to one of 13 worksheets in the work book. this all works great. but what I would also like to do is write a macro through which monthly data reports could be written to a separate workbook which can then be sent to me by the contractor. I was thinking that the easiest way to do that would be to copy entire worksheets to a new workbook (which would ultimately be named and saved by the contractor) and then delete all the entries that do not correspond to the month being reported. (I figured this approach would be an easy way to retain all the column headings etc.) I envisioned this process being initiated using a command button that would prompt the user to enter the month for which they wanted to run a report, then any rows (in any of the worksheets copied) that did not contain that month would be deleted after the worksheets were copied to a new work book.
So my questions are:
1. Does that strategy make sense?
2. Can someone point me in the direction of how I can copy WS2-11 of the open workbook into a new WB2.
I assume I would need to set each worksheet separately, or can I set a worksheet array (I don't know if that is the right term to use- range?)
3. How would I delete the rows that do not represent services provided for the month in question?
The workbook is rather large due to the many userforms and macros so I didn't attach it, but I below is a sample of the coding for data transfer from the userform to the worksheet so you can get a feel for the level of (in)expertise I have with this
thank you so much!!!!