I have a folder which contains multiple 'Customer' workbooks (example attachment 'Customer_001'). Each workbook has a filename unique to the customer (Customer_001, Customer_002, Customer_117 etc). The workbooks contain a single sheet with customer information and answers to questions. These 'Customer' workbooks are automatically saved into a folder once the customer completes a Userform and clicks 'save'. Potentially, there could be 100's of customers' workbooks saved in the folder, each with their own unique filename.
I also have a 'Master' sheet saved in a different folder (example attachment 'Master'). The 'Master' workbook has multiple sheets named 'Department 1' and 'Department 2'. The purpose of the master sheet is to consolidate all information from the individual customers' workbooks.
I've spent hours looking for some code that I can use/adapt to achieve the results I'm after but so far I've had no success.
Specifically, I would like a command button on the 'Master' workbook to execute the following tasks...
1. Copy the data from range A3:F3 from each of the 'Customer' workbooks held in the folder.
2. Paste the data into the next blank row on the 'Department 1' sheet in the 'Master' workbook.
3. Copy the data from range A7:F7 from each of the 'Customer' workbooks held in the folder.
4. Paste the data into the next blank row on the 'Department 2' sheet in the 'Master' workbook.
5. Save the 'Master' workbook.
6. Delete all 'Customer' workbooks in the folder.
Is this possible? And if so, would someone be kind enough to point me in the right direction or help me out with some VBA code please?
Thanks in advance,