Hi everyone,
I use this macro below to export multiple object from my QlikView report to excel. What I need is to add some code to export more object to other sheet in excel, to make macro which will make multi sheets with multi qlikview object in Excel. I would appreciate your help
sub test
'Set the path where the excel will be saved
filePath = "C:\Test.xlsx"
'Create the Excel spreadsheet
Set excelFile = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
excelFile.Visible = true
'Create the WorkBook
Set curWorkBook = excelFile.WorkBooks.Add
'Create the Sheet
'first chart object
Set curSheet = curWorkBook.WorkSheets(1)
chartArray = Array("CH421","CH11", "CH12") ' array of object ID
For Each chart In chartArray
Set i = ActiveDocument.GetSheetObject(chart)
chartCaption = i.GetCaption.Name.v
curSheet.Cells(usedRows+1, 1)=chartCaption
i.CopyTableToClipboard true
curSheet.Cells(usedRows+3, 1).Select
usedRows=curSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count+3 '--->function to get the first unused row
'loop end
excelFile.Visible = true
'Save the file and quit excel
curWorkBook.SaveAs filePath
Set curWorkBook = nothing
Set excelFile = nothing
end sub