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use macro to find and replace specific code in vba

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hopefulhart use macro to find and replace... 06-07-2014, 05:23 AM
Richard Buttrey Re: use macro to find and... 06-07-2014, 07:09 AM
LJMetzger Re: use macro to find and... 06-07-2014, 09:46 AM
  1. #1
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    use macro to find and replace specific code in vba

    i am wondering if it is possible to have a macro that opens the vbe for the active worksheet, finds the code line
    .Top = xxx
    and replaces it with
    .Top = .Top.Value - 9
    or something similar.

    what i am trying to accomplish is have a macro permanently change the position and height of the active worksheet. when i run the macro it should go into the "This Workbook" excel object module for the active workbook, find the specific line of code (no matter its location in the code), and subtract "9" from its current value


  2. #2
    Forum Moderator - RIP Richard Buttrey's Avatar
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    Re: use macro to find and replace specific code in vba


    Can't you just use the VBE editor and use Find/Replace?
    Richard Buttrey

    RIP - d. 06/10/2022

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  3. #3
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    Re: use macro to find and replace specific code in vba

    Hi Hopeful,

    Try the attached file (tested using Excel 2003), with full code following. It is MANDATORY that the PREREQUISITES exist, or the code will not compile and/or you will get runtime errors. I want to thank all those who provided the referenced links. Without those links, I wouldn't have known where to start.


    In an ordinary code module:
    Option Explicit
    'Modify the following constants as follows:
    'sDisplaySheetNAME is the name of the SHEET TAB whose code is to be modified which is the name in PARENTHESES
    '                  in the VBA Project Explorer (CASE INSENSITIVE).
    '                  'sDisplaySheetNAME' MUST BE BLANK for 'ThisWorkbook'.
    '                  'sDisplaySheetNAME' MUST BE BLANK for an Ordinary Code Module.
    'sModuleName       is the 'Module Name' (CASE INSENSITIVE) where the code resides (used only for 'Ordinary Code Modules').
    'sOldString        is the original string (CASE SENSITIVE) to be replaced (no wildcards allowed).
    '                  NOTE: This WILL NOT WORK for text with embedded DOUBLE QUOTES (").
    'sNewString        is the replacement string.
    'Examples:         For ALL modules that contain code in the Active Workbook
    '                  sDisplaySheetNAME = ""
    '                  sModuleName = ""
    '                  For 'ThisWorkbook'
    '                  sDisplaySheetNAME = ""
    '                  sModuleName = "ThisWorkbook"
    '                  For the TAB whose Sheet Name is 'Main'
    '                  sDisplaySheetNAME = "Main"
    '                  sModuleName = ""
    '                  For the Module Name 'ModVbeFindReplace'
    '                  sDisplaySheetNAME = ""
    '                  sModuleName = "ModVbeFindReplace"
    '                  For the Module Name 'Sheet1' (whose TAB Sheet Name is 'Main')
    '                  NOTE: This is really the same case as the previous example.
    '                  sDisplaySheetNAME = ""
    '                  sModuleName = "Sheet1"
    Public Const sDisplaySheetNAME = ""
    Public Const sModuleName = "Sheet1"
    Public Const sOldString = ".Top = xxx"
    Public Const sNewString = ".Top = .Top.Value - 9"
    Public Const sNeverModifyModuleNAME = "ModVbeFindReplace"
    Const nOptionLOOK_BUT_DONT_TOUCH = 1
    '1. Enable programmatic access to the VBA Project (runtime Error 1004 if not done).
    'In Excel 2003 and earlier, go the Tools menu (in Excel, not in the VBA editor),
    'choose Macros and then the Security item. In that dialog,
    'click on the Trusted Publishers tab and check the Trust access to the Visual Basic Project setting.
    'In Excel 2007, click the Developer item on the main Ribbon and then click the Macro Security item
    'in the Code panel. In that dialog, choose Macro Settings and check the Trust access to
    'the VBA project object model.
    '2.' Enable Microsoft Visual Basic For Applications Extensibility 5.3'
    'Generates Compile error: User-defined type not defined if missing
    'In the VBA editor, go the the Tools menu and choose References.
    'In that dialog, scroll down to and check the entry for
    'Microsoft Visual Basic For Applications Extensibility 5.3
    'General VBE:              http://www.cpearson.com/excel/vbe.aspx
    'Remove/Replace VBE lines: http://vangelder.orconhosting.net.nz/excel/removecomment.html
    'List VBE Procedures:      http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2630872/how-to-get-the-list-of-function-and-sub-of-a-given-module-name-in-excel-vba
    Private Sub DummySubContainingTextToBeReplaced()
    'The '.' in '.Top' is in character position 4
    '        1         2
    '  .Top = xxx
    End Sub
    Public Sub LookButDontTouch()
      Call VbeFindReplace(nOptionLOOK_BUT_DONT_TOUCH)
    End Sub
    Public Sub ReplaceOldStringWithNewString()
      Call VbeFindReplace(nOptionREPLACE_OLD_STRING_WITH_NEW_STRING)
    End Sub
    Public Sub ReplaceNewStringWithOldString()
      Call VbeFindReplace(nOptionREPLACE_NEW_STRING_WITH_OLD_STRING)
    End Sub
    Public Sub VbeFindReplace(nOption As Integer)
      'This finds and replaces code in the Active Workbook
      'NOTE: Code in any module named 'ModVbeFindReplace' will NEVER be modified.
      Dim vbc As VBComponent
      Dim iModuleType As Integer
      Dim i As Long
      Dim iReplacementCount As Long
      Dim bProcessThisModule As Boolean
      Dim bTextModule As Boolean
      Dim s As String
      Dim sData As String
      Dim sActualModuleName As String
      Dim sModuleType As String
      Dim sSheetName As String
      Debug.Print "------------------------------"
      Debug.Print "Processing Started on " & Now()
      Debug.Print "File: '" & ActiveWorkbook.Name & "'"
      Debug.Print "Sheet Name (Excel Tab): '" & sDisplaySheetNAME & "'"
      Debug.Print "Module Name: '" & sDisplaySheetNAME & "'"
      Debug.Print "Old String: " & sOldString & "'"
      Debug.Print "New String: " & sNewString & "'"
      Debug.Print "Action To Be Taken: " & DisplayOptionValue(nOption)
      'Process each component in the Active Workbook
      For Each vbc In ActiveWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents
        'Get the Component Name
        sActualModuleName = Trim(vbc.Name)
        'Get the module type
        'Determine if the module can be processed (i.e. contains text)
        'Get the module type description
        iModuleType = vbc.Type
        bTextModule = IsTextModule(iModuleType)
        sModuleType = GetModuleTypeDescription(iModuleType)
        'Get the 'Sheet Name' if the module is a Worksheet or a Chart
        sSheetName = ""
        If iModuleType = vbext_ct_Document Then
          'Get the Sheet Name (blank if both are the same and doesn't start with "Sheet")
          sSheetName = Trim(vbc.Properties("Name"))
        End If
        'Determine if the module (Sheet) is to be processed or not
        bProcessThisModule = False
        If Len(Trim(sDisplaySheetNAME)) = 0 And Len(Trim(sModuleName)) = 0 Then
          'Process all code modules
          bProcessThisModule = True
        ElseIf Trim(UCase(sModuleName)) = "THISWORKBOOK" And UCase(sActualModuleName) = Trim(UCase(sModuleName)) Then
          'Process 'ThisWorkbook' only
          bProcessThisModule = True
        ElseIf Len(Trim(sDisplaySheetNAME)) > 0 And UCase(Trim(sDisplaySheetNAME)) = UCase(sSheetName) Then
          'Process a TAB whose Sheet Name is a specific name (e.g. 'Main')
          bProcessThisModule = True
        ElseIf UCase(sDisplaySheetNAME) = "" And UCase(sActualModuleName) = Trim(UCase(sModuleName)) Then
          'Process a specific module name
          bProcessThisModule = True
        End If
        If nOption <> nOptionLOOK_BUT_DONT_TOUCH Then
          If UCase(sActualModuleName) = UCase(sNeverModifyModuleNAME) Then
            'NEVER Process the Module that contains this code (when a change is to take place)
            bProcessThisModule = False
          End If
        End If
        'Output a 'header line' for the module
        sData = sModuleType & ":  '" & sActualModuleName & "'"
        If Len(sSheetName) > 0 Then
          sData = sData & "  (Sheet Name: '" & sSheetName & "')"
        End If
        If bProcessThisModule = False Then
          sData = sData & " (THIS MODULE NOT PROCESSED)"
        End If
        Debug.Print sData
        'Process the module if it is a text module and processing is ALLOWED
        If bTextModule = True And bProcessThisModule = True Then
          i = 1
          Do Until i > vbc.CodeModule.CountOfLines
            s = vbc.CodeModule.Lines(i, 1)
            Select Case nOption
              Case nOptionLOOK_BUT_DONT_TOUCH
                'Output the matching line
                If InStr(s, sOldString) > 0 Then
                  Debug.Print i & "  " & s
                End If
                'Replace 'Old String' with 'New String'
                If InStr(s, sOldString) > 0 Then
                  Debug.Print i & " From:  " & s
                  iReplacementCount = iReplacementCount + 1
                  s = Replace(s, sOldString, sNewString)
                  vbc.CodeModule.ReplaceLine i, s
                  Debug.Print i & " To:    " & s
                End If
                'Replace 'New String' with 'Old String'
                If InStr(s, sNewString) > 0 Then
                  Debug.Print i & " From:  " & s
                  iReplacementCount = iReplacementCount + 1
                  s = Replace(s, sNewString, sOldString)
                  vbc.CodeModule.ReplaceLine i, s
                  Debug.Print i & " To:    " & s
                End If
            End Select
            i = i + 1
        End If
      Next vbc
      Debug.Print iReplacementCount & " data lines were modified."
    End Sub
    Function IsTextModule(iModuleType As Integer) As Boolean
      'This returns 'True' if the module is a 'Text Module'
      Dim bTextModule As Boolean
      'Determine if the module can be processed (i.e. contains text)
      Select Case iModuleType
        Case vbext_ct_StdModule
          bTextModule = True                           'Standard code module
        Case vbext_ct_ClassModule
          bTextModule = True                           'Class module
        Case vbext_ct_MSForm
          bTextModule = False                          'UserForm module
        Case vbext_ct_ActiveXDesigner
          bTextModule = False                          'Active X designer module
        Case vbext_ct_Document
          bTextModule = True                           'Worksheet (or chart)
        Case Else
          bTextModule = False                          'Unknownn type
      End Select
      IsTextModule = bTextModule
    End Function
    Function GetModuleTypeDescription(iModuleType As Integer) As String
      'This returns a text description of the 'Module type'
      Dim sModuleType As String
      'Get a text description of the 'Module Type'
      Select Case iModuleType
        Case vbext_ct_StdModule
          sModuleType = "STANDARD MODULE"             'Standard code module
        Case vbext_ct_ClassModule
          sModuleType = "CLASS MODULE"                'Class module
        Case vbext_ct_MSForm
          sModuleType = "USERFORM MODULE"             'UserForm module
        Case vbext_ct_ActiveXDesigner
          sModuleType = "ACTIVE X DESIGNER MODULE"    'Active X designer module
        Case vbext_ct_Document
          sModuleType = "DOCUMENT MODULE"             'Worksheet (or chart)
        Case Else
          sModuleType = "UNKNOWN MODULE"               'Unknownn type
      End Select
      GetModuleTypeDescription = sModuleType
    End Function
    Function DisplayOptionValue(nOption As Integer) As String
      'This returns a string indicating the option selected
      Select Case nOption
        Case nOptionLOOK_BUT_DONT_TOUCH
          DisplayOptionValue = "FIND ALL 'Old String' Matches"
          DisplayOptionValue = "REPLACE 'Old String' WITH 'New String'"
          DisplayOptionValue = "REPLACE 'New String' WITH 'Old String'"
      End Select
    End Function
    Attached Files Attached Files

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