I am a beginner at VBA but understand it can be quite powerful if used correctly. To fully explain myself, I will try to be descriptive.
I currently am working with a worksheet that has over 250,000 data points. It is a spreadsheet for a company in which different work order are organized. A given work order can have several parts (ranging anywhere from one component to 40ish) and thus the height of the cells in which each specific work order is placed differs from work order to work order. For each component, the spreadsheet tells you how many can currently be made based on the materials available. What I would like to do, for each specific work order, is go through the data and simply tell whether or not the work order can be completed (the quantity of each specific component needed is also given in the spreadsheet) and then report out exactly how many components can be made. Ultimately, this means that a "limiting factor" analysis must be done. For instance, if the work order is asking to create plastic bottles that consist of the bottle, the cap, and the label and it asks for 3 bottles but only 2 caps are able to be made, the limiting factor would be the caps and thus only two bottles could be made and the work order could not be fully completed.
The spreadsheet is set up based on another worker here, I am just trying to come up with a way to analyze it. Cells A1:Axxxxx are the work order numbers and the size of these cells differ because they are merged to fit the number of components they have. The componenets available are then ranged C1:Cxxxxx etc and the quantity needed are also listed in a similar fashion. What sort of structure could I use?
I'm not overly familiar with all of the tools within Excel/VBA so all help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!