Reveal questions.xls
Hello All,
This is my first post here so please be kind (I am no VBA expert that's for sure)
I have a simple protected spreadsheet that has a list of questions in rows grouped into 10 sets of 3-5 questions with yes no drop-down (validation) answers in column C.
SIMPLY (ha!), all I need to do for each question set is have the first "Yes/No" dropdown unlocked and the remaining questions in that set locked with a colour fill. With each "No" answer, the next cell in that column (row beneath) unlocks. The user answers "Yes" or "No" in question set 1 until they can go no further (i.e. they answer yes for a question) and thenmove onto question set 2, 3, 4 etc
e.g. C2 "Yes/No" is unlocked, C3:C5 are locked with pale yellow fill. IF C2 = "No", C3 "Yes/No" = unlocked and C4:C5 remain locked. IF C2 = "Yes", C3:C5 Remain locked and so on
This needs to be possible for all related question sets on the same sheet e.g C7 is unlocked and C8 is locked IF C7 = "No", C8 = unlocked. IF C8 = "Yes", C8 remains locked and so on.
Something like this but vastly expanded:
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If [C2] = "No" Then
ActiveSheet.Unprotect ("password")
[C3].Locked = True
[C3].Interior.ColorIndex = 0
ActiveSheet.Protect ("password")
ActiveSheet.Unprotect ("password")
[C3:C5].Interior.ColorIndex = 36
ActiveSheet.Protect ("password")
End If
End Sub
Please does anyone have a simple-to-understand answer. I have seen many similar queries, but none that fit.