Hey guys,

I'm looking for a way to select multiple values from an Excel table ("products_to_select_in_slicer") in a slicer ("products_slicer") using VBA. Table "products_to_select_in_slicer" just have a single column.

Tried to find it on many forums. Never got it...

The only thing I found is this way (that is not possible in my situation):

ActiveWorkbook.SlicerCaches("products_slicer").VisibleSlicerItemsList = _
        Array( _
        "[products_to_select_in_slicer].[no_product].&[001]", "[products_to_select_in_slicer].[no_product].&[002]", _
        "[products_to_select_in_slicer].[no_product].&[003]", "[products_to_select_in_slicer].[no_product].&[004]")
Thanks a lot for your help!
