Hi, I'm new to excelforum. I have a little self-taught experience with Excel and Access VBA. Generally, I identify a project, outline how I want the finished product to look like, and start building the forms, controls and coding. Whenever I hit an impasse, I rely on the web to find code that is close to what I need and then modify it to meet my specific requirements. However, this is the first time I ask for assistance directly in a forum.
I did not want to use the built-in data entry form (2013) because I wanted to add data validation, auto-numbering and data-protection features to my database. However, I like the idea of the multi-field data search using the 'same' form as the data-entry form. The user fills in one or several fields with search criteria and then all matching results are returned to 'the data entry form'. Each of the matching records can then be viewed by clicking on the next or previous arrows.
The data entry form is vertical and is located on one worksheet while the database itself - containing 16 fields - is in its usual horizontal format on another worksheet.
Can anyone point me in the right direction? Thanks.