I started the second part of a macro which makes some changes to a sheet and counts the number of DL vs IDL employees in the sheet. I started on the "Regulares" sheet by recording the things I need but cant figure out how to get the count from the column "MO REAL". Like basically it should tell me the total of DL and IDL employees in that column. I recorded the macro but feel its not getting all the things I need. The bad part is that I also want to do this for another 3 sheets.
1. Add filters to row 1
2. Move the CFP (column J) and Cargo (column P) to before the MO Column I
3. Convert the CPF column to number format (thats why the multiply is there)
4. Add a column after the MO Column and name it MO REAL
5. Filter MO column K and delete all the INATIVE employees (clear filters)
6. In the MO REAL column L cell L2 add the following formula (=VLOOKUP(I2,'DL List'!A2:B34,2,0))
7. Convert formulas to Values in column L
8. Filter DL in MO column K and make sure all N/A in the MO Real column L are also DL
9. Filter (G&A, MOH, IDL, Other MOH) in the MO column K and change the N/A in the MO REAL column L to IDL
10. In the Resultados sheet Put the total count of DL employees in cell B17 and IDL in cell C17
Here is what the recorded macro code showed: