To lay down the foundation...I have 1 Workbook that contains 2 Sheets. Sheet 1 is where the drop down list will be located and Sheet 2 will hold the list that Sheet 1 will be referencing. Within Sheet 1 I have 2 separate columns, Column A that is for Dogs and a Column C that is Cats. Then in Sheet 2, I have Column A that has a list of different breeds of dogs and Column B that has a list of different types of cats. Also in Sheet 1, there is Column B in case the dog is a mixed breed and Column D in case the cat is a mix.
So far I've made it so that the drop down list in Sheet 1 Column A lists the different types of dogs in the list in Sheet 2 Column A, while in Sheet 1 Column C lists the different types of cats in the list in Sheet 2 Column B. What I'm trying to do is to have Columns B and D in Sheet 1 show the drop down list without repeating the selected value in Column A and C, respectively.
Attached is the document in case the description above was confusing. Thank you in advance for all of the help.