I am looking for a bit of help on a formula. I am trying to find a closest match for a given value comparing to values in a chart. I got it to work..but it will only return a closest value that less than it. I need it to also look "up", and return a value higher than it if it is closer. I have attached the worksheet. The vlookup part is for choosing which row to use, based on the value in B1. The column index portion of the vlookup is where the trouble lies....I am comparing the value found it B2 to chose the column...and that column should be the closest value...but like I said before, it will only return a lower value. The formula is in cell B11 (Correction Factor). it SHOULD return 1.26....instead, its giving me 1.18. (200 is closer to 192 than 175 is)
Any help would be appreciated!
temp press exp.xlsx