Unfortunately that does not work. It creates a "true" or "false" statement (so the result I got in the cell was "False"). I need one cell of one workbook to populate the exact same info from another workbook (whatever word is used in a particular cell), assuming they share 2 common pieces of criteria.
So if workbook A shares the same two pieces of criteria from workbook B, the cell in workbook A will populate with the same text of a particular cell of a named range in workbook B.
Providing the end result value is numerical, SUMIFS works. It does not work if the cell I am trying to populate is not numerical. Here is the formula I am using for numerical: =SUMIFS(Master!$J$2:$J$80,Master!$H$2:$H$80,A3,Master!$I$2:$I$80,C3)
*Master! is the name of the workbook I am referring to