I have a range of cells with data from one day. This range is "C36:K63"
Each day, the prior day's range needs to be copied and pasted into a new range that begins two rows below where the prior day's range ends.
Thus, day two should copy "C36:K63" into a new range: "C65:K92"
As you can tell, the rows will change each day, but the columns will always remain the same.
How can I create a macro that allows a user to copy data from the most recent range and paste it into a new range?
i.e. if there is no data in C65:K92, the macro should copy the data from C36:K63 and paste it into C65:K92. Then, the next day, the macro would copy the data from C65:K92 and paste into C94:K121.
Thanks in advance,