Perhaps you need to add conditions in this part of your code..
Me.Listbox1.AddItem Cells(c.Row, 2).Value 'Customer
Me.Listbox1.List(i, 1) = Cells(c.Row, 3).Value 'Project Name
Me.Listbox1.List(i, 2) = Cells(c.Row, 4).Value 'Project Manager
Me.Listbox1.List(i, 3) = Cells(c.Row, 5).Value 'SDM
Me.Listbox1.List(i, 4) = Cells(c.Row, 6).Value 'InService
Me.Listbox1.List(i, 5) = Cells(c.Row, 7).Value 'Accepted
Me.Listbox1.List(i, 6) = Cells(c.Row, 8).Value 'Date
Me.Listbox1.List(i, 7) = Cells(c.Row, 9).Value 'Handover Process / HP Process
Me.Listbox1.List(i, 8) = Cells(c.Row, 10).Value 'Solution Support Adaptation
Me.Listbox1.List(i, 9) = Cells(c.Row, 11).Value 'Text Comment
Me.Listbox1.List(i, 10) = Cells(c.Row, 12).Value 'Text Action
Me.Listbox1.List(i, 11) = Cells(c.Row, 13).Value
'and so on.....