Good day Comrades
I hope you can help me with an error in a macro, it works having a window open office system, as information is automatically emptied with the required fields in the excel sheet, but when I execute the following message:
"There was error 429 runtime, the activex component can not create object"
Click to give me notes on yellow debug the following line:
Set Servidor = CreateObject ("PCOMM.autECLPS")
I need to do to compile without error, the problem is in the code or some configuration of the computer?
This is my code:
Public Servidor
Public Sucursal As Range
Public Dígito1 As Range
Public Dígito2 As Range
Public Crédito As Range
Sub MacroCuentas()
Set Servidor = CreateObject("PCOMM.autECLPS")
Servidor.SetConnectionByName ("A")
Set Crédito = Sheets("CREDITOS").Range("A9")
Renglón = 9
Do While Crédito <> ""
Servidor.SetText Crédito, 4, 11
Servidor.SendKeys "[ENTER]"
Application.Wait Time + #12:00:04 AM#
Sheets("CREDITOS").Range("B" & Renglón).Select
Sheets("CREDITOS").Range("B" & Renglón).Value = Servidor.GetText(4, 11, 16)
Sheets("CREDITOS").Range("C" & Renglón).Value = Servidor.GetText(5, 7, 29)
Set Crédito = Crédito.Offset(1, 0)
Renglón = Renglón + 1
Set Servidor = Nothing
Set Crédito = Nothing
MsgBox ("Listo, Ya Termine ...."), vbOKOnly
End Sub