I am a newbie at this, and I am working on a macro to protect sheets with different options of editing. Thanks for your help.
The following code is working:
Set wsArray = Sheets(Array("Instructions", "Questionnaire", "Financial Stmt Data Entry", "Use Agreement Tracking", "1st Qtr.", "2nd Qtr.", "3rd Qtr.", "4th Qtr.", "2014 Annual Review", "QrtlyGraphs", "AnnualGraphs", "Shareholders Equity Recon"))
For Each ws In wsArray
ws.Protect Password:="igbtest", DrawingObjects:=True, Contents:=True, Scenarios:=True

This part is not working: (I can unprotect the sheets without it asking me for a password.)
Set wsArray = Sheets(Array("Debt Schedule", "Accts Receivable", "Accts Payable", "Selected Disclosures"))
For Each ws In wsArray
ws.Protect Password:=”igbtest”, DrawingObjects:=True, Contents:=True, Scenarios:=True, AllowInsertingRows:=True
Sheets("Chart of Accounts").Select
ActiveSheet.Protect Password:=”igbtest”, DrawingObjects:=True, Contents:=True, Scenarios:=True, AllowFiltering:=True
Sheets("Business Activity").Select
ActiveSheet.Protect Password:=”igbtest”, DrawingObjects:=True, Contents:=True, Scenarios:=True, AllowFormattingRows:=True
End Sub