I am not that advanced with excel and for a few days I have been trying out code with no success. Please help
How do I create a macro to sort rows into groups, add break rows in between & insert a product sourced from another excel workbook onto the break line?
I receive a spreadsheet each day with a series of requests, most of the information is the addresses & names etc with the important data in columns K,M & O. Data in each of these columns is a code that refers to a product and information sheet to be sent out to the person requesting it. They may want just one in which case data will only be in column K, if they want two there will also be data in M and if they require three there will be data in column O as well. The bit I do know is how to sort the important data into groups of the same by the country (column I) and the product sku's.
Whilst I can do the sort as a recorded macro I really need it to be part of a larger macro that does the following bit I can't get my head around. I need to insert a break row above each group then by cross referencing the data in the product sku columns to a separate workbook insert the appropriate item / letter combination onto the break line row, telling the volunteer which items to send out. This is a v look up?
I have attached an example of the files we work with, the first tab is with the data simply sorted and the second is what I need it to look like. I normally receive it as a CSV file, there are around 8000 possible combinations of product and instructions and the files are normally around 4000 records long. At present we insert the break lines and copy/paste the information manually, seriously slowing down the process.
Orders Example EUR RM.xlsx