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it just uploading the wds_id column but it is not uploading other columns please help me

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  1. #1
    Forum Contributor
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    Excel 2007

    it just uploading the wds_id column but it is not uploading other columns please help me

        Function esc(txt)
            'Will replace the 's with MySQL-friendly characters
            esc = Trim(Replace(txt, "'", "\'"))
        End Function
    Sub upload()
    '= Code made by :                   =
    '= Michael Clermont & The Interwebs =
    '= 04/04/2011 - Version 1.00        =
    'INSTRUCTIONS                       =
    ' 1. Make sure you have Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects Library enabled (Tool > References).       =
    ' 2. Download the latest MySQL ODBC Driver (Google search).                                       =
    ' 3. Change the settings below and select the proper driver in this case "MySQL ODBC 5.1 Driver". =
    ' 4. Copy the required data into your form and press the button.                                  =
    'Variable declarations
    Dim conn As New ADODB.Connection
    Dim server_name As String
    Dim database_name As String
    Dim user_id As String
    Dim password As String
    Dim database_table As String
    Dim count As Integer
    Dim cell As String
    Dim cell_1 As String
    Dim cell_2 As String
    Dim count_2 As Integer
    Dim count_3 As Integer
    server_name = "" 'Enter your server IP here - if running from a local computer use
    database_name = "wds" 'Enter your database name here
    user_id = "root" 'Enter your database user here
    password = "bmx1" 'Enter your database user password here
    database_table = "tblprod_agr_006" 'Enter database table name
    'Initiate database connection
    'Specify your driver below
    Set conn = New ADODB.Connection
    conn.Open "DRIVER={MySQL ODBC 5.2 Unicode Driver}" _
    & ";SERVER=" & server_name _
    & ";DATABASE=" & database_name _
    & ";UID=" & user_id _
    & ";PWD=" & password _
    & ";OPTION=16427" ' Option 16427 = Convert LongLong to Int: This just helps makes sure that large numeric results get properly interpreted
    ' & ";DSN=" & DSN_
    'MsgBox "Server connection OK" 'Debug
    'Assign values to global variables
    aWidth = WorksheetFunction.CountA(Range("A1:FA1")) 'Finds the width of the table - if you have more columns than that, just extend the range
    aheight = WorksheetFunction.CountA(Range("A1:A65536")) - 1 'Finds the height of the table, minus the field names - if you have more rows than that, just extend the range
    count = 0 'Will be used throughout the macro as a counter
    count_2 = 0 'Will be used throughout the macro as a counter
    count_3 = 0 'Will be used throughout the macro as a counter
    'Populate the table row
    ReDim array_fields(aWidth)
    'This will populate INTO what the VALUES will go for the whole upload
    Do Until count = aWidth
        count = count + 1 'Set the count to be used in the array and increment it for the the Do
       cell = Worksheets("production_data").Cells(1, count).Value
        array_fields(count) = cell
    'This is not necessary, but is done for better code comprehension (and to avoid any problems later on)
    count = 0 'reset the counter
    'Get the data and store it within an array
    ReDim array_values(aheight)
    Do Until count = aheight
        'repopulate the first cell
        If IsNumeric(array_fields(count_2)) Then
            strQuote = vbNullString
            strQuote = "'"
        End If
        cell = strQuote & esc(array_fields(count_2)) & strQuote
        'Populate the cell value
      '  Do Until count_3 = aWidth
       '   If IsNumeric(array_fields(count_2, (count_2 + 1))) Then
        '        strQuote = vbNullString
         '   Else
          '      strQuote = "'"
          '  End If
          '  cell_2 = cell_2 & ", " & strQuote & esc(array_fields(count_2, (count_3 + 1))) & strQuote
          '  count_3 = count_3 + 1
        'MsgBox (cell) 'debug
        'MsgBox (cell_2) 'debug
        'Run the query
        strSQL = "INSERT INTO " & database_table & " (" & cell_1 & ") VALUES (" & cell_2 & ")"
        'MsgBox (strSQL) 'debug
        conn.Execute (strSQL) 'execute the above query
        'Reset the variables for the loop
        count_2 = count_2 + 1
        count = count + 1
        count_3 = 1
        cell_2 = ""
    'Close the DB connection
    Set conn = Nothing
    MsgBox ("Upload finished")
    'This is not necessary, but is done for better code comprehension (and to avoid any problems later on)
    count = 0 'clean up the variables, just in case
    count_2 = 0 'clean up the variables, just in case
    End Sub

  2. #2
    Registered User
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    Excel 2013

    Re: it just uploading the wds_id column but it is not uploading other columns please help

    Try this:
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  3. #3
    Forum Contributor
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    MS-Off Ver
    Excel 2007

    Re: it just uploading the wds_id column but it is not uploading other columns please help

    Subscription out of range run time error '9'

    'Get the data and store it within an array
    ReDim array_values(aheight)
    Do Until count = aheight
        'repopulate the first cell
        If IsNumeric(array_fields(count_2)) Then            -----getting error here 
            strQuote = vbNullString
            strQuote = "'"
        End If
        cell = strQuote & esc(array_fields(count_2)) & strQuote
        'Populate the cell value
        Do Until count_3 = aWidth
         If IsNumeric(array_fields(count_2, (count_2 + 1))) Then
                strQuote = vbNullString
                strQuote = "'"
            End If
            cell_2 = cell_2 & ", " & strQuote & esc(array_fields(count_2, (count_3 + 1))) & strQuote
            count_3 = count_3 + 1
        'MsgBox (cell) 'debug
        'MsgBox (cell_2) 'debug
        'Run the query
        strSQL = "INSERT INTO " & database_table & " (" & cell_1 & ") VALUES (" & cell_2 & ")"
        'MsgBox (strSQL) 'debug
        conn.Execute (strSQL) 'execute the above query
        'Reset the variables for the loop
        count_2 = count_2 + 1
        count = count + 1
        count_3 = 1
        cell_2 = ""
    'Close the DB connection
    Set conn = Nothing
    MsgBox ("Upload finished")
    'This is not necessary, but is done for better code comprehension (and to avoid any problems later on)
    count = 0 'clean up the variables, just in case
    count_2 = 0 'clean up the variables, just in case
    End Sub

  4. #4
    Forum Contributor
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    MS-Off Ver

    Re: it just uploading the wds_id column but it is not uploading other columns please help

    which line??

  5. #5
    Forum Contributor
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    MS-Off Ver
    Excel 2007

    Re: it just uploading the wds_id column but it is not uploading other columns please help

    in this line(array_fields)
    please help me out
    one column called wds_id as integer other columns are strings of Character
    'Get the data and store it within an array
    ReDim array_values(aheight)
    Do Until count = aheight

    'repopulate the first cell
    If IsNumeric(array_fields(count_2)) Then -----in this line(array_fields)
    strQuote = vbNullString
    strQuote = "'"
    End If
    cell = strQuote & esc(array_fields(count_2)) & strQuote
    Last edited by baig123; 05-20-2014 at 02:04 AM. Reason: paragraph

  6. #6
    Forum Contributor
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    Re: it just uploading the wds_id column but it is not uploading other columns please help

    change this lines from

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  7. #7
    Forum Contributor
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    Excel 2007

    Re: it just uploading the wds_id column but it is not uploading other columns please help

    i am getting same Error here subscription out of range(Run time error :'9') please help me out
    'repopulate the first cell
    'If IsNumeric(array_fields(count_2)) Then -----in this line(array_fields) 
    'strQuote = vbNullString
    strQuote = "'"
    'End If
    cell = strQuote & esc(array_fields(count_2)) & strQuote
    --->now Getting error here in this line

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