We have wireless access codes in a column. If someone requires use of our guest wireless, I'd like for someone to access the spreadsheet, click on a button the prints out the access code.
I can get the code copied to the cell which is then printed. What I can't do is get the next code in the column to be copied over and printed should the button be clicked again. I seem to get the code in the first cell in the column to keep printing or I can get it to jump to the next cell but not the 3rd.
Also, can you turn off and on "Use Relative References" within a macro. It seems by my results it is either on or off.
Visual of Form:
Your wireless code is:
Click this button to get code
The button is clicked, 'Your wireless code is: code1' is printed.
The button is clicked again, 'Your wireless code is: code2' is printed.
And so on...
If I get the proper code it appear like this on the form
Your wireless code is: code1
On the second click I want the code2 to copy to where code1 is.