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excel cannot complete this task when paste values from temp sheet

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  1. #1
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    excel cannot complete this task when paste values from temp sheet

    Hi all

    I'm running a macro in Excel 2010 that filters unique values, does v lookups and simple calculations then pastes a table from a temporary sheet into a permanent sheet. I am repeating this process 14 times in total. However, it will only work for a maximum of two iterations before I get the error above. It appears to be at paste values that it breaks.

    Cells(1, table_column).Select
    Selection.PasteSpecial xlPasteValues 'copy and paste values to tables <<<<<<<<<<<< breaks here
    Call ClearClipboard
    p = p + 3 ' loop variables change to account for previous table when pasting
    flag_column = flag_column + 3
    table_column = table_column + 10
    Application.DisplayAlerts = False ' turns off warning about deleting sheets
    temp_for_calcs.Delete 'delete temp for calcs so cell refs are the same for the next DMA table
    Application.DisplayAlerts = True
    any insight into how I can fix this?

    thanks a lot

  2. #2
    Forum Expert GeneralDisarray's Avatar
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    Re: excel cannot complete this task when paste values from temp sheet

    usually you will be better off by equating the values of a particular range. You Are selecting 9 columns, but i would imagine you don't need all of it.

    Try this:

    Option Explicit
    Sub exampleCopier()
    'make a couple of range variables'
    Dim targetR As Range, sourceR As Range
    'instead of copy/paste just set the range'
        Set sourceR = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("temp_for_calcs").UsedRange
    'make them the same size'
        Set targetR = tables_sheet.Cells(1, 1).Resize(sourceR.Rows.Count, sourceR.Columns.Count)
    'equate the values, replaces copy/pasting'
        targetR.Value = sourceR.Value
    End Sub

    Using Select/Copy/PasteSpecial is not impossible, and I realize I didn't really answer your exact question. Just usually you never have to do that - making use of range variables is sooooooooo much simpler once you are introduced to it.

    Also, using sheetName.usedRange is extremely handy - but only if your worksheet in this case contains only the items you want (which, would be a good principle to design things around). That being said, if you have more stuff on the worksheet outside of the range you want to copy over, we can alter that statement to only capture the parts you need to copy.
    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by GeneralDisarray; 05-08-2014 at 09:34 AM.
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  3. #3
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    Re: excel cannot complete this task when paste values from temp sheet

    Used range was in fact what I was looking for!

    Thanks ever so much. I used this along with another solution from stackoverflow


  4. #4
    Forum Expert GeneralDisarray's Avatar
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    Re: excel cannot complete this task when paste values from temp sheet

    Good to hear, please mark this question as "Solved"

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