Thank you for your quick response and sorry for my late reply
I did try implementing your suggestions but it did not help. FYI, I am using .xlsm files (macro-enabled)
Afterward, I did review though the 2nd part of the macro and I did realize I made a mistake in copying the code from the website. The line ‘loop’ should have been more at the bottom (see codes changes below in red). Adding the \ was needed as you suggested.
So the macro is partially working now as it did pick up the first file in the folder (which is an .xlsm file) but I get an error code on this line:
The error code I get is: Run time error ‘9’: Subscript out of range
Exiting the code at that point does results in having only the filename of the first file inputed under A1 but nothing else.
Any ideas on how to resolve this?
Below is the code changes in red. I decided to work first on having a workable version on a local drive so the code is a little different than the original one. Once it works on a local drive, I don’t think I will have a problem using the network drive and my private declare function. Thank you for you time!