Hi Team,
Would like to know the Macro to copy selected columns with conditions and convert the file into multiple .csvmsdos files. I have the code to convert the excel file to multiple .csvmsdos files with specific name; However I am unable to code the macro to copy specific columns with conditions to those csv files. Attached is the file with sample data. following is the action I would like to execute :
Search for cells that has Day 1 in column 'C' and RNA in column 'D'
Copy and paste all those data as values into a new file and save the file in .csvmsdos format with name RNA_Day 1_todays date <I have the code to copy all the data and save the file in .csvmsdos format with name RNP_Day 1_todays date which is available in the attached file>
Next Search for cells that has Day 1 in column 'C' and RND in column 'D'
Copy and paste all those data as values into a new file and save the file in .csvmsdos format with name RND_Day 1_todays date
Next Search for cells that has Day 1 in column 'C' and RNP in column 'D'
Copy and paste all those data as values into a new file and save the file in .csvmsdos format with name RNP_Day 1_todays date
Next Search for cells that has Day 1 in column 'C' and DNP in column 'D'
Copy and paste all those data as values into a new file and save the file in .csvmsdos format with name DNP_Day 1_todays date
So on so forth for Day 1,3,5,7,10,15,20,25,30,40,50 and 60 for RNA/RNP/RND/DNP and files to be saved at specific location.
Kindly help. I have the code to save the file with complete data to .csvmsdos format at a specific location with a specified filename.