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Help on Macros to change generated worksheet file name

  1. #1
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    Help on Macros to change generated worksheet file name

    Hi I am very new to VBA and I need help with the following issue.

    I have a file here that already has macros in it. The file is basically a excel document generator.
    When you click create sku, the document will generate multiple documents based on the user inputs.

    I need help with two things in this file

    1) In the generated documents the original "generator" file creates, I need generated files to have column B and D formatted to TEXT, currently all the generated files are formatted to general. (This code is in module 1, line 84 col 34.)

    2) The other problem is I need to append the value in Cell N1 in the "sku data entry" sheet to be appended to the generated file names. (this part of the code is is in module 1, line 150 col 28.)

    I really would apprecaite any help on this. Please let me know what to change in the code or attach your revisions. Thank you all so much!
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  2. #2
    Forum Expert Tinbendr's Avatar
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    Re: Help on Macros to change generated worksheet file name

    At top of procfile Sub
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