I've reached a point in this macro where I'm stuck with NO clue how to achieve this, or even whether it can be done. In the Before sheet below, I need to bold the cells in H & I if the word "Total" is in G. I could probably manage that part, but here's the weird part: I need to add a formula to H & I of each row with "Total" in G to sum the numbers above it, from the previous total down to the current total. But there's no telling how long each range might be on a given report; from 1 row up to 8 rows.
THEN, in the second row below the end of columns H & I, I need to put a formula totalling all of the preceding Totals
I wonder if there might be a way to tell it to put a formula in H by each cell that has "Total" in G, with the formula summing or subtotalling everything from the cell in H that has data in F to the cell just above the "Total". Any ideas?
I'm trying to attach a file; I hope it works!