Hey guys, hoping you can help me with the below:

I have two excel spreadsheets with the same columns which I need to compare the two to output the differences in a third spreadsheet. The only way I think I can do it is using macros. I have attached an example of my spreadsheets (I have about 10,000 records) and the way I'd like the results to be displayed in the third spreadsheet.


I need to first find differences in the unique ID – if it doesn’t exist in one or the other spreadsheet then it must be displayed in the third spreadsheet and have it display the unique ID with a message like “Unique ID discrepancy”. Also I need the macro to compare the access of each user and display the differences in the third spreadsheet. For example, in the first spreadsheet MelB doesn’t have access to PHY and in the second spreadsheet she does. So I’d like that to be displayed in the third spreadsheet – if possible display the unique ID with a reason like “Access discrepancy”.

I’d be most grateful if someone could help me!!