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Instr to look for a complete, exact match of a string

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  1. #1
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    Instr to look for a complete, exact match of a string

    Using the Instr function to append items to a string to create a list, I've encountered a problem where instr will not add the name of a new item to the list if the name of the new item contains part of the name of an item already in the list.

    For example, the list string contains the following values:

    "Advanced Microprocessor|Supercomputer|Computer|Keyboard|Logic Circuit"

    As the Instr continues its search for items to append to the list, it encounters "Microprocessor", but rejects it because it reads "Microprocessor" in "Advanced Microprocesser". It does the same for "Circuit" because it reads "Circuit" in "Logic Circuit"

    How can I get Instr to read the entire string of characters between the "|" as the basis for comparison. Doing so would make it recognize that these are distinct items and should be added to the list.

    Thanks in advance!

    EDIT: Here is the code in question.

    Dim tempList As Variant: tempList = ""
        For Each cell In categories
            If cell.Value <> "" And cell.Offset(0, -1).Value = Sheets(current).Range("a1") Then
                If InStr(tempList, cell.Value) = 0 Then
                    If tempList = "" Then tempList = Trim(CStr(cell.Value)) Else tempList = tempList & "|" & Trim(CStr(cell.Value))
                End If
            End If
        Next cell
    Last edited by SandPounder1; 04-30-2014 at 01:53 PM.

  2. #2
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    Re: Instr to look for a complete, exact match of a string

    Convert in to case insensitive

    If InStr(1, tempList, cell.Value, 1) = 0 Then

  3. #3
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    Re: Instr to look for a complete, exact match of a string

    Should be

        If InStr(1, cell.Value, tempList, 1) = 0 Then

  4. #4
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    Re: Instr to look for a complete, exact match of a string

    Done. But it still does not add "Microprocessor" if "Advanced Microprocessor" is already in the list.

    Also, I typed "microprocessor" above mistakenly (now corrected), there is no difference in case in the list.

  5. #5
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    Re: Instr to look for a complete, exact match of a string

    Yes, it would take in duplicates.

  6. #6
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    Re: Instr to look for a complete, exact match of a string

    I added a messagebox to show me the values instr is comparing (See below) and it looks like you are correct. However, the items are still not appearing in the list (So there is "Advanced Microprocessor", but not "Microprocessor" and "Logic Circuit", but not "Circuit").

    It must be a problem with how the data is being written to the string list.

    Dim tempList As Variant: tempList = ""
        For Each cell In categories
            If cell.Value <> "" And cell.Offset(0, -1).Value = Sheets("DropDowns").Range("a1") Then
                MsgBox (cell.Value & " offset: " & cell.Offset(0, -1).Value)
                If InStr(1, tempList, cell.Value, 1) = 0 Then
                    If tempList = "" Then tempList = Trim(CStr(cell.Value)) Else tempList = tempList & "|" & Trim(CStr(cell.Value))
                End If
            End If
        Next cell

  7. #7
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    Re: Instr to look for a complete, exact match of a string

    Well, that's not the case either. Let me share the real values being entered.

    Running through the code below, the first item is "Construction Materials", which gets added to the list. The second item that meets the criteria is "Advanced Electronic Construction Materials", which also gets added to the list. The third item is "Electronic Construction Materials", which does NOT get added to the list. The fourth item is "Tools", which does get added, and so on.

    Not sure why it skips "Electronic Construction Materials". Any ideas?

    Dim tempList As Variant: tempList = ""
        For Each cell In categories
            If cell.Value <> "" And cell.Offset(0, -1).Value = Sheets("DropDowns").Range("a1") Then
                MsgBox (cell.Value & vbNewLine & "Offset: " & cell.Offset(0, -1).Value)
                If InStr(1, tempList, cell.Value, 1) = 0 Then
                    MsgBox ("Item to Add : " & cell.Value & vbNewLine & "Current List : " & tempList)
                    If tempList = "" Then tempList = Trim(CStr(cell.Value)) Else tempList = tempList & "|" & Trim(CStr(cell.Value))
                    MsgBox ("Current List : " & tempList)
                End If
            End If
        Next cell

  8. #8
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    Re: Instr to look for a complete, exact match of a string

    Running through the code below, the first item is "Construction Materials", which gets added to the list. The second item that meets the criteria is "Advanced Electronic Construction Materials", which also gets added to the list. The third item is "Electronic Construction Materials", which does NOT get added to the list. The fourth item is "Tools", which does get added, and so on.

    Not sure why it skips "Electronic Construction Materials". Any ideas?

    Yes, on the second test "Advanced Electronic Construction Materials" is not in the string, but on the third test "Electronic Construction Materials" is in the string (as part of "Advanced Electronic Construction Materials" )



  9. #9
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    Re: Instr to look for a complete, exact match of a string

    I have added a | at the beginnng of the list, but still not getting the needed results.

    Regarding the question above, on the second test "Construction Materials" is also already in the list, but "Advanced Electronic Construction Materials" is added. Why will it not then add "Electronic Construction Matierials" as well, since both contain elements of an earlier entry?

    Starting to tear hair out ha-ha

  10. #10
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    Re: Instr to look for a complete, exact match of a string

    If you could put the delimiter "|" on either side of the string search then you would be able to get exact matches. You would have to modify the code so your string looked like:

    "|Advanced Microprocessor|Supercomputer|Computer|Keyboard|Logic Circuit|"

    When the string is finished you could remove the leading and trailing delimiters with the mid function, i.e.
    tempList = Mid(tempList , 2, Len(tempList) - 2)


  11. #11
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    Re: Instr to look for a complete, exact match of a string

    I left out "NOT"

    Yes, it NOT would take in duplicates.

  12. #12
    Forum Moderator Leith Ross's Avatar
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    Re: Instr to look for a complete, exact match of a string

    Hello SandPounder1,

    InStr will search for the first occurrence of substring within the string to be search. It does not differentiate between a single words and phrases. To parse string data in this fashion you should use Regular Expressions.
    Leith Ross

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  13. #13
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    Re: Instr to look for a complete, exact match of a string

    Without code or a workbook to look at I'm not sure what you did. And I can't think of another way to explain what is happening but it is perfectly logical to me. Regardless this should meet your requirement (untested due to no workbook).

    Dim tempList As Variant: tempList = ""
        For Each cell In categories
            If cell.Value <> "" And cell.Offset(0, -1).Value = Sheets(current).Range("a1") Then
                If InStr(tempList, "|" & cell.Value & "|") = 0 Then
                    If tempList = "" Then tempList = "|" & Trim(CStr(cell.Value)) & "|" Else tempList = tempList & Trim(CStr(cell.Value)) & "|"
                End If
            End If
        Next cell
        tempList = Mid(tempList, 2, Len(tempList) - 2)


  14. #14
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    Re: Instr to look for a complete, exact match of a string

    Worked like a charm!! Thanks again.

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