I have an Excel program sheet that uses user inputs and drop down lists to define the branch being examined.
Branch Pressure Drop.xlsx
There are three drop down list - Pipe Material, Size, and Schedule.
The problem I'm having is with the Data Validation of the Piping Size and Schedule lists.
Right now, I have three branches as a default. If I wanted to create more, I'd highlight those columns, and then drag to the right. This works for all of the in-cell formulas being used, but the drop down list reference cells do not drag over.
Example -
The Data Validation for I10 (Branch 3 Schedule) is "=INDIRECT(VLOOKUP($I$8, PipeList, 3, FALSE))"
If I highlighted those columns, and dragged to the right to create a new branch, that drop down list would still reference I8 instead of K8.
Is there a way to remedy this?