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Refreshing a single cell using a button

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Excel 2010

    Question Refreshing a single cell using a button

    Hi there; i recently developed a costing sheet for our company. We import a lot of products and primarily by in dollars, euros and pounds. We always have to go look up the exchange rate when doing a quote, so I thought it best to import a calculation from the web. I trimmed down the imported data to only show 10.85, which is the rand dollar calculation, and so on. I have also setup this to update each time one open up the sheet. The imported data is on sheet 2, and i have made a cell on the costing sheet equal to the imported data on sheet 2. I now want to place a button next to each cell (pound, dollar and euro) to update the exchange rate. This means that the imported date on sheet 2 needs to be refreshed. How can i do this?

  2. #2
    Forum Contributor
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    Chicago, USA
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    Excel 2007

    Re: Refreshing a single cell using a button

    You can easily record a macro and set it to run when you click a button. On the "Developer" tab, select "Record macro". Refresh whatever data you need to be refreshed and then stop recording. Create a button, right-click it, and assign the recently recorded macro to it.

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